Applications/About(1) - SerenityOS man pages


Icon About - About SerenityOS



$ About


About is an application that displays information about SerenityOS.

On the left is the official Ladyball logo. Designed by Katalin Kult, it combines the Yin-Yang symbol with the distinctive shell pattern of a ladybird, the projects's insect motif. It symbolizes the SerenityOS philosophy, encompassing the Serenity Prayer's acceptance of the uncontrollable, the Yin and yang concept of balancing opposing forces, and Lagom, the Swedish concept of moderation or finding "just the right amount."

Since there are no official releases of the project, the version number is denoted as 1.0-dev and the revision number reflects the latest Git commit's hash.

Copyright is attributed to the SerenityOS developers. Started by Andreas Kling in 2018, the project has since grown into a thriving global community of volunteers and full-time developers. Contributors with 100+ commits are acknowledged on GitHub. The project's history is detailed on Wikipedia.

To learn more about SerenityOS visit the homepage.