Applications/Maps(1) - SerenityOS man pages


Icon Maps



$ Maps


Maps is an application for browsing a map of the world.

The default data provider is OpenStreetMaps, an open-source community-maintained map similar in spirit to Wikipedia.


Pan around the map by clicking and dragging.

Zoom by using the toolbar icons, the mouse wheel or Ctrl + to zoom-in and Ctrl - to zoom-out. Reset the zoom to a global view with Ctrl 0. Double-clicking anywhere on the map zooms-in to that location. Double-clicking whilst holding Shift zooms-out.

Right-click on a location to:

Show and hide the search panel by clicking on the leftmost magnifying glass in the toolbar. Type your query, press Return and then click on a result to focus on it in the map. Navigate the search results with the Up and Down arrow keys.

Show and hide the favorites panel by clicking on the leftmost heart in the toolbar. You can add favorites with the right click contextmenu. You can edit and delete your favorites by right clicking on them. Navigate your favorites with the Up and Down arrow keys.

The default map tile provider can be changed in Maps Settings, enabling maps with labels in other languages, different types of map (e.g. topographical) and even setting a custom map. Other tile providers can be found here.

To see an overlay of where in the world SerenityOS users are, click on the Ladyball icon (the SerenityOS logo) or enable View → Show SerenityOS Users. This shows those who have added their location to the SerenityOS User Map. Hover over a marker to reveal the name of a user. Project contributors are distinguished by a blue marker. The total number of users on the map is listed in the top-right. Add yourself in the user-map repository!