cut(1) - SerenityOS man pages


cut - remove sections from each line of files


$ cut option... [file...]


Print selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output.

With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.




$ cat example.txt
245:789 4567    M:4540  Admin   01:10:1980
535:763 4987    M:3476  Sales   11:04:1978

# Display first and third fields from file example.txt
$ cut example.txt -f 1,3
245:789 M:4540
535:763 M:3476

# Display first and third fields using `:` as a delimiter 
$ cut example.txt -d ':' -f 1,3
245:4540    Admin   01
535:3476    Sales   11

# Display bytes at given position 
$ echo "serenity is cool" | cut -b 5

#See Also