ps(1) - SerenityOS man pages


ps - list currently running processes


$ ps [--version] [-a] [-A] [-e] [-f] [-o column-format] [-p pid-list] [--ppid pid-list] [-q pid-list] [-t tty-list] [-u user-list]


Print a list of currently running processes in the current TTY. For each process, print its PID (process ID), to which TTY it belongs, and invoking commandline (CMD).



Show all processes (full format):

$ ps -ef

Show the PID, state and name of all processes

$ ps -eo pid,state,cmd

Show the name and state of PID 42 and rename the first column from CMD to Command:

$ ps -q 42 -o cmd=Command,state

Show name of PID 42 and omit the header entirely

$ ps -q 42 -o cmd=

#See Also