sizefmt(1) - SerenityOS man pages


sizefmt - Print the size of a number with a suffix, in bytes


$ sizefmt [integer-with-suffix]


sizefmt prints the 'real' size of a number with a suffix (possibly). It can parse just a single character suffix (k for kilo, for example), or base 2 or 10 suffixes (KB for Kilobytes, or KiB for Kibibytes, for example).



# prints 10000000 for 10 million bytes
$ sizefmt 10MB

# truncate a file /tmp/test_file with size of 10 Kibibytes
$ truncate -s $(sizefmt 10KiB) /tmp/test_file

# truncate a file /tmp/test_file2 with size of 10 Megabytes
$ truncate -s $(sizefmt 10MB) /tmp/test_file

# truncate a file /tmp/test_file3 with size of 2 Kibibytes
$ truncate -s $(sizefmt 2KiB) /tmp/test_file3