uniq(1) - SerenityOS man pages


uniq - filter out repeated adjacent lines


$ uniq [-c] [-d|-u] [-f skip-fields] [-s skip-chars] [--version] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]


Filter out repeated adjacent lines from INPUT (or standard input) and write to OUTPUT (or standard output). It is recommended to sort out the input using sort(1) beforehand.



Filter out repeated lines from README.md and write to standard output:

$ uniq README.md

Filter out repeated lines from README.md and write to UNIQUE.md:

$ uniq README.md UNIQUE.md

Filter out repeated lines from standard input with their occurrence count:

$ echo "Well\nWell\nWell\nHello Friends!" | uniq -c
3 Well
1 Hello Friends!

Filter out repeated lines, ignoring the first field ("XXXX" and "ZZZZ") and the four chars after it (" ABC" and " BCA", thus comparing only the "D"s — which are equal indeed):

$ echo "XXXX ABCD\nZZZZ BCAD" | uniq -f1 -s4