Applications/CatDog(1) - SerenityOS man pages


Icon CatDog - A helpful companion



$ CatDog


CatDog is an animated screenmate application in the form of a virtual pet.

It was inspired by Neko. The name derives from its ambiguous appearance: is it a cat, a dog, or a hybrid?

Its helpful suggestions evoke the animated assistants popular at the turn of the millennium, such as Clippy.

Alongside Buggie and the Yaks, CatDog is a much loved member of the SerenityOS family of mascots. As such it has a wider presence in the project’s online community, promotional materials and merchandise.


By default, CatDog will chase your mouse cursor around the screen. It will always stay on-top of other windows.

Additionally, CatDog offers helpful suggestions depending on the currently active application.

CatDog has multiple states:

To exit, right-click on CatDog and select Quit or, if active, press Alt+F4.

CatDog brings good luck to those who keep it open.